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Behind the Scenes at a Museum: Objects Conservator at the Museum of Modern Art

Hosted By: DOROT

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DOROT Programs


Join Tina March, Objects Conservator at the Museum of Modern Art. Conservators are the people who preserve and protect items in a museum’s collection, ensuring that what you see reflects the original intent of the artist and choices of the presenting institution. March will share examples and techniques of her work, including items featured in MOMA’s newly opened “Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces” exhibition as well as objects she has helped preserve at the Brooklyn Museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, the Guggenheim Museum, The National Museum of the American Indian, and site work in Iceland, Turkey and Egypt. This event is part of DOROT’s “Behind the Scenes at a Museum,” a series of moderated talks with Museum directors, curators, archivists, conservators, and educators.